Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Taking a step of YES!

A lot has happened since our last blog, so here we go.

It always amazes me that when you take a step of yes, how God will confirm that step.  When April and I began this journey we knew that it would be an act of faith.  We did not, however, realize how it would be a faith building experience (this is only the second month of the process).  So, here is what happened.  As we got our home study application I filled it out quickly in hopes of a fast turnaround.  One thing I overlooked in the application was the need for birth certificates on both of us.  Neither one of us have a copy of our birth certificates so we contacted our parents in hopes they had a copy.  I decided to go ahead and order a few copies of our birth certificates that night; it was around 11:30 pm on Wednesday (3-14).  The next day we both received a pdf version of our birth certificates that I printed off in hopes of getting in the mail by Friday at the latest.

Well, we also needed individual pictures to include in our application.  On Friday we took the pictures and I went to Walmart to quick print them.  All four quick print machines were broken, and I did not want to wait an hour so I went to Walgreens.  The only option they had was one hour, and they were backed up because their machine was acting up.  I went ahead and let them print my pictures and just resigned to the fact that my application would not get in the mail until Saturday.  As I arrived back home, a little bummed out, there was a knock on my door.  I went to the door and it was UPS.  I stood there a little speechless, and looked at April and said, “No way!”  She said, “What?”  I said, “There is no way that this is our official copies of our birth certificates.”  But, as I opened it, I realized that these were in fact our official birth certificates.  Now, the reason I was surprised is because I had ordered them just the other night with the estimated turnaround time of 7-10 business days.  I was overwhelmed and excited that we could send off our home study application with official copies of our birth certificates and now there would not be the chance of any delays.

Needless to say, we are excited about moving forward in the process.  We are even more excited because one of our co-workers and friends are going through this process as well.  In fact, we are actually going to Jackson together because our home study process begins at the same time.  They are also adopting from China.  It is neat to have someone at work who understands what we are going through as we are going through it.

As you know, we are engaged in many fundraisers to help offset the cost of international adoption.  As the home study is approaching, there are going to be some costs involved.  The next blog will consist of our fundraisers that we currently have going on.  We are selling T-shirts from adoptionbug.com, and Flip Flops.  I will post information about the Flip Flops and T-shirts in a couple of days.


All our paperwork for application has been approved by Holt and has been moved to the China division of the agency.  We have made contact with the home study agency in Jackson, MS.  We will begin the home study process on Monday, April 9.  Needless to say we are excited and nervous as we move into the home study.

Prayer request:

Pray for Baby Asia, we do not know her yet but pray for God to prepare us and her as we look to give her a forever family.

Paperwork process.

Belle and us as we grow as a family through this process.

Pray for our friends the Beesons as they are waiting to be matched.  They are adopting from Uganda.

Pray for the Belks.  They are the family I was referring to earlier who is also adopting from China.

Thanks for reading,

Myke and April