Sunday, January 12, 2014

China Day 2 – Adventure Time

So today was a do what we want to do day.  We got up and went downstairs to experience the amazing breakfast buffet.  It was great to say the least.  It was not your typical American breakfast experience, although there were a few American choices available.  When all was said and done, April was extremely happy with it and she hates breakfast foods.

We decided to explore the Yuexiu Park near the hotel.  It is HUGE and beautiful.  What is really neat is they are getting the park ready for Chinese New Year celebrations and ushering in the year of the horse.  They are setting up many lighted displays that we hope are finished before we leave the country so we can see them lit up.  It is going to be gorgeous.  We walked around the park and the areas around the hotel for a couple of hours just soaking in the culture and enjoying being together.

This is a down day so I will just post some of the pictures from the park.  We saw some families in the lobby of the hotel today who had their adopted ones with them and it caused us to get really excited about what tomorrow holds.  We cannot wait until we get to hold Primrose in our arms.  Now, we will not be getting her until around 2:00 pm or so our time.  So it will not be until around 2 or 3 am CST before I will be able to post anything.  Stay tuned!

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